
We are a league of conscientious human beings convened together by an awesome responsibility of working with vulnerable individuals to remold their splintered lives. We are a special family whose benchmark is honesty, openness, and concern for others


We dedicate ourselves to mend and direct drug dependent lives into a worthwhile wholeness by maximizing their physical, mental, social, psychological and spiritual prevailing capabilities to become a drug-free individuals

We bind ourselves to restore human dignity by reshaping their fragmented lives with a paralleled multi-faceted modality that will meditate in the recovering process of the drug dependents. 

Welcome to Healing Path Foundation

A safe haven for persons suffering from addiction.


The Center's facility is a rented residential house on #11 Jaguar St. Brgy. Greater Fairview, Quezon City where resident, including a few who were initially apprehensive, have easily developed a supportive and friendly attitudes toward the Center. Due to an increasing number of referrals, an increased of 25 bed capacity. The number of patients at any particular time is limited so as not to hamper the quality of services and the manageability of the entire system.

What do we offer?

Primary Care Services

The rehabilitation program six months uninterrupted in-house recovery. It utilizes multi-faceted modality mainly based on the spiritual "Twelve Steps" principles of Narcotic Anonymous (NA) and Alcoholic Anonymous (AA), Hazelden Therapeutic Community, Spiritual and Multi disciplinary team approach. These will mediate in the recovering process of the patients. In order to maximize resident welfare, we attempt to realize the greatest good possible in developing a well-coordinated residential supportive services.

Family Recovery Program ONLINE

Subscribing to the concept that addiction is a family disease that painfully affects people who are emotionally attached to the addict, the Center also offers recovery services to the so called "codependents" through a program which includes family therapy, conjoint, therapy, counseling and lectures.

Due to current pandemic state of the country so as to continue the service essential for successful program of the family we provided a virtual meeting.

 Aftercare and Follow-up Services Online

This provides the patient after the primary rehabilitation. Aftercare activities can be viewed as the first line of defense against relapse. The activities include attending self-help programs ;like NA, AA meetings, regular follow up at treatment center, individual and group counseling sponsor/ sponsee meetings, alumni association meetings, etc. This is for a period not exceeding eighteen (18) months and should be undertaken by the appropriate Center personnel.

Quick Contact

OUR ADDRESS :11 Jaguar Street, West Fairview, Quezon City, Philippines

E-mail us

Give us a call

Ryan Manalo: SUN 0933-114-0805  /  GLOBE 0966-827-8645

Facebook: Ryan Manalo

© 2016 Company. 11 Jaguar Street, West Fairview, Quezon City, Philippines
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